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Hope Crier, 16, left, distributing blankets with help from Kim Harrington, a teacher at Mamawi Atosketan Native School, at a First Nations reserve in the Canadian province of Alberta. Read the related children's story, "Blankets of Hope," at the link:
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Resource ID
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Date Created
07 July 20
Original file name
Hope Crier
Credit / Organization
Adventist Media Exchange
Hope Crier, 16, left, distributing blankets with help from Kim Harrington, a teacher at Mamawi Atosketan Native School, at a First Nations reserve in the Canadian province of Alberta.
Read the related children's story, "Blankets of Hope," at the link:
Organizational Unit
North American Division (NAD), North American Division (NAD)/Canada, SDA Church in (SCIC), North American Division (NAD)/Canada, SDA Church in (SCIC)/Alberta Conference (ALBC)
Adventist Mission, Mission stories
Creator / Photographer
Mamawi Atosketan Native School
Copyright URL / Web Statement of Rights
Marker lat / long: 60, -95 (WGS84)